Su Ierome
I arrived in New Zealand in 2017 and spent a year at another high school before joining Hagley last year. We learned how to read and write in English in Sāmoa, but living and studying in an English-speaking environment is completely different! At Hagley, I’ve been able to take English Language Learning classes alongside my passion subjects. My teachers are all helpful, and the Careers Department are great at supporting the students’ plans for the future.
I’d wanted to study Nursing, so I looked into the Hagley Pre-Health Studies course for this year. The more I thought about it though, I really don’t like blood and I don’t think that would have worked out! I switched focus and signed up for the Early Childhood Education course instead. I’m so glad I did. We spend regular time in the Hagley Preschool, and I’ve had the chance to see what the career actually involves. I feel happy and connected in the class- we spend five days a week together- and we’re more friends than classmates now.
My older sister is studying towards her master’s degree in Wellington and she’s always encouraging my studies. Having had the chance to try out different courses and explore my interests at Hagley, I’ve been able to find my passion. I feel confident moving forward and am planning to continue my ECE studies at university.