Whare Ako
We have the opportunity to start planning for our new whare ako!
Initial plans
The new whare ako will be multi-purpose.
Click here to view the plans and here to read about the functions for our whare ako.
Pūkaki – the name of our whare ako
The whare ako has been gifted the name ‘Pūkaki’ by Ngāi Tahu, the name for a source of water. It’s closely associated with the theme of water in our kura: ‘Te Puna Wai o Waipapa’ means the freshwater spring of the Waipapa area. ‘Pūkaki’ acts as the source and the other names in our kura literally flow on from that.
You can read more about the significance of the Pūkaki name and our other given names here.
Our whare ako will be located at the front of our kura on the corner of St Asaph and Stewart Streets.
We would love to hear your feedback about the whare ako. You can send your feedback to sms.admin@hagley.school.nz
Unfortunately, kanohi ki te kanohi is not possible due to Covid. However, we’re hopeful that we’ll be able to meet together in 2022 to kōrero about our new whare ako.
We want to use the momentum of our new Auripo hub being completed in late 2022 to launch the building of our new whare ako. That means starting the consultation process now to keep things moving, as planning and design takes time!
Ngā mihi
Sondra Bunt-Muir
Mike Fowler