Georgia Lohrey
I came here in year nine and to be honest, Hagley wasn’t where I wanted to go. I didn’t know anyone else who was going to come here and I had my heart set on somewhere else. But, I instantly made friends with people in my tutor group and I found that I liked it.
Hagley is different to other schools. When I talk to my friends who are elsewhere they always comment on how different it is and how it sounds so much better. In year nine and ten they were always being assessed or doing tests; here it is much more relaxed and there’s less pressure.
Hagley is similar to the workplace – a boss isn’t going to be continually reminding you to get things done – and the teachers here are the same, they’re not going to do it for you, it’s up to you to get things done and to juggle your commitments.
I’m interested in studying some form of engineering in the future so I take a broad range of subjects like maths, physics, electronics, computer science and English. Because Hagley is a community college we sometimes have adult learners in our classes – this might seem crazy to some, but they’re learners just like us and we can learn so much from their experiences.
If you’re looking for a bit more freedom and choice then Hagley will probably have something that will work. There’s lots of opportunities, heaps of course options and they offer the flexibility to mix and match, sometimes even with other institutions like Ara – I don’t know many other schools that would do that.
For me, Hagley is good.