Liadan Dickie
I’ve never felt pressured into specialisation at Hagley
My interests are broad, and include climbing, music, academics, and most especially, the natural world- where there’s so much more to learn. I’ve been able to explore my passions and projects here, without having to choose between them or narrowing down my options for the future.
Being at Hagley has helped me to improve my self-confidence; I’ve found the teachers and students here to be supportive instead of intimidating. My teachers are also always willing to help with personal projects that relate to the subject, giving me the chance to learn lots of new skills- like the time I found a slime mould and took it to the Science Department for a closer look under one of their microscopes. Things like that really show how supportive the culture is here.
I’m busy most lunch times with activities like Juggling Club, Environment Group, and Scholarship study groups. One of the things I love about Hagley is, you can get involved in what you’re interested in no matter what your prior experience is, and if a group doesn’t exist- you can probably start one up!