Our Staff
Hagley has an exceptional staff dedicated to our students’ wellbeing and successful engagement in their learning. Our staff build relationships with our students, valuing each individual and treating them with trust and respect.

Rowan Milburn
rowan.milburn@hagley.school.nzRowan, as the Tumuaki of our school leads the strategic direction of the College and leads our staff. Rowan is involved in all areas of the school and particulary enjoys leading the student council and getting out into classrooms and to events that students are participating in.

Hayden Shaw
Deputy Principal
Hayden.Shaw@staff.hagley.school.nzHayden leads the College in engaging our students with learning. He has responsibility for leading curriculum design, development and delivery, NCEA assessment as well as building strong self review practices.

Jenni Holden
Deputy Principal
jenni.holden@hagley.school.nzJenni’s key role is as a liaison between the wider community and the College, fostering educationally powerful connections and relationships. She is the ‘go to’ person for teaching staff and support staff, and she supports several key areas in the school, including oversight of systems and logistics.

Jasmine Lambert
Deputy Principal
Jasmine.Lambert@staff.hagley.school.nzJasmine (Kāi Tahu) leads our work in upholding and strengthening bicultural partnerships throughout the kura. Jasmine collaborates in the strategic oversight of Wellbeing in the College, and is an Across-School Teacher in our Kāhui Ako (community of learning), Te Taura Here o Ōtautahi.

Suzanne Waters
Assistant Principal
suzanne.waters@hagley.school.nzSuzanne has a wealth of experience when it comes to the well-being of our students. She oversees the pastoral care and discipline of our Yr 9 - Yr 12 students as well as learning for Yr 9 - Yr 11.

Michael Gilchrist
Head of Guidance
michael.gilchrist@hagley.school.nzHagley College’s Head of Guidance comes to us with a wealth of experience in education, both as an English teacher and more recently as a counsellor. Michael welcomes students to come over to Simpson House and meet the team.

Helen Shirley
Head of Learning Support Services
Helen.Shirley@staff.hagley.school.nzHelen comes to us with a Numeracy background, curriculum and learning support expertise.

Andy Gorton
Director of Infrastructure and Digital Strategy
andy.gorton@hagley.school.nzAndy directs our infrastructure and IT strategy and developments across the College.

Nathan Walsh
E-Learning Leader
Nathan.Walsh@staff.hagley.school.nzNathan is the Leader of eLearning and leads many of our innovative courses. He is the Duke of Edinburgh Award Leader and oversees Education Outside the Classroom and other staff management systems.
Adult Literacy Centre
Jo Fox - Joanna.Fox@staff.hagley.school.nz
After 3
Pip Judge - Philippa.Judge@staff.hagley.school.nz
Daniel Wiseman - Daniel.Wiseman@staff.hagley.school.nz
Kim Swann - Kim.Swann@staff.hagley.school.nz
College of Practical Design
Vicki Dixon - Vicki.Dixon@staff.hagley.school.nz
Anna Taylor - Anna.Taylor@staff.hagley.school.nz
Fiona Brownlie - Fiona.Brownlie@staff.hagley.school.nz
English Language Learning
Tara de Coninck - Tara.DeConinck@staff.hagley.school.nz
Angela Brett - Angela.Brett@staff.hagley.school.nz
Nanako Sato, Van Elkayem, - Nanako.Sato@staff.hagley.school.nz, Van.Elkayem@staff.hagley.school.nz
Performing Arts
Naomi Milner - Naomi.Milner@staff.hagley.school.nz
Physical Education
Bridget Fairweather - Bridget.Fairweather@staff.hagley.school.nz
Elvina Stephens - elvina.stephens@staff.hagley.school.nz
Social Sciences
Nadene Brouwer - Nadene.Brouwer@staff.hagley.school.nz
Te Reo Māori
Chris Smith - chris.smith@staff.hagley.school.nz
Tertiary Pathways
Emma Lumb - Emma.Lumb@staff.hagley.school.nz
School of Music
Nanako Sato - Nanako.Sato@staff.hagley.school.nz
School of Fashion
Vicki Dixon - Vicki.Dixon@staff.hagley.school.nz
Dance Company
Naressa Gamble - Naressa.Gamble@staff.hagley.school.nz
Theatre Company
Pedro Ilgenfritz - Pedro.Ilgenfritz@staff.hagley.school.nz
Nikki Ross - nikki.ross@staff.hagley.school.nz
Early Childhood
Jenny O'Sullivan - Jenny.OSullivan@staff.hagley.school.nz
Writers' Institute
Melanie Dixon - Melanie.Dixon@staff.hagley.school.nz
Year Advisers
Year 13 Adviser - nerida.britten@staff.hagley.school.nz
Nerida Britten
Year 13 Adviser - Chris.Patalano@staff.hagley.school.nz
Chris Patalano
Year 12 Adviser - Kaitlin.feast@staff.hagley.school.nz
Kaitlin Feast
Year 11 Adviser - Katrina.anderson@hagley.school.nz
Kat Anderson
Year 10 Adviser - Anna.Williams@staff.hagley.school.nz
Anna Williams
Year 9 Adviser - Sarah.Parder@staff.hagley.school.nz
Sarah Parder
Year Advisers' Administrator - yearadvisors@hagley.school.nz
Megan Johnston
Micha Multhaup - Student Support Leader
Leanne Buchan - Guidance - Outreach
Suzanne Wood - Guidance Counsellor
Susan Ayson - Kāhui Ako Mental Health Liaison
Carolyn Heyward-Judd - Guidance Counsellor
Anne Farrall