Health and Safety
Haere mai ki Te Puna Wai o Waipapa, Welcome to Hagley College. Please treat people and property with care and respect at all times. Please show the same care and attention towards your own and others’ health and safety.
Current risks and hazards on the Hagley site:
There are currently no risks and hazards on site.
This information is also on the Health and Safety Information Board located to the left of the main entrance of the main building. It can be accessed seven days a week at any time of the day.
Hagley College Health and Safety Policy
Please notify all health and safety issues or incidents via email to
For urgent matters, call Graeme Cochrane, Property Manager, on 027-241-2056.
Hagley’s emergency evacuation procedures:
Safe zone
In an evacuation, there is one safe zone for the whole school. Assemble on the main lawn at the front of the college.
If there is a serious earthquake, DROP, COVER, HOLD.
Stay inside until the earthquake stops. Do not move outside during an earthquake.
Do not wait for an alarm. All facilities are evacuated immediately after the earthquake has stopped. Stay clear of buildings and move to the safe zone.
Turn off all machinery and power to equipment and proceed to the safe zone.
A lockdown occurs when there is a situation where safety is potentially in danger – for example, a chemical spill, or an intruder on site.
When the lockdown alarm sounds, immediately lock all external doors and windows. Keep out of view, lying on the floor away from windows until the ALL CLEAR is sounded.
Champion St
All of the above emergency evacuation procedures apply.
Champion St safe zone 1 is the Basketball Court (behind the toilet block, by the ELL office). Zone 2 is the grassed area at the front of the school.
Any notice of an emergency at either site will be noted on the main Hagley College website ( All enquiries from concerned parents, caregivers and whānau should be directed there. If the emergency involves Champion St, it will clearly state this.