Tutor-Led Academic Conferencing
Year 9-13 Tutor-Led Academic Conferencing Day: 24th September, 12.00pm - 7.00pm
On the 24th September, all students and their whānau are invited to the College for individual academic conferencing led by each student’s tutor. Please note: You are only required to make one booking. Your child’s tutor has been emailed to you. The appointments will last for fifteen minutes.
No timetabled day time classes will run on this day for all year levels. (After 3 classes will operate as usual.)
The purpose of the academic conferencing, although slightly different for each year level, is for the tutor to provide an overview of academic achievement, set and monitor goals and look towards next year.
It is also an opportunity to meet with whānau so we can work together both at home and school to support our students. If whānau cannot attend, it is still worthwhile for the student to attend conferencing on their own.
Bookings can be made at www.schoolinterviews.co.nz using the Event Code: ep9zz
Bookings will close at 5pm on the day before the meetings.
If you require any assistance with bookings please contact donna.steel@staff.hagley.school.nz or call (03) 379 3090 ext 833.