
Staying safe at school

Please click here to read the following in regards to your child attending school with Covid Symptoms

Covid measures and our students

Kei aku nui, kei aku rahi, tēnā koutou katoa i roto i ngā āhuatanga o te wā.

Welcome back after what we hope has been a wonderful summer for your whānau.

Our team is refreshed and ready to go for the 2023 year and can’t wait to welcome everyone back onsite.


Good old fashioned fresh air remains the most important thing we can do in our learning spaces to minimise risk for ākonga and kaiako. The Ministry of Education have notified us that we will be receiving a CO2 monitor to further support our ventilation plan.

Managing cases in our school

Our attendance processes will provide good information for contact tracing should it be required.

We will respond to Ministry of Health and/or Ministry of Education advice, should we need to consider moving to a distance learning model. We will keep everyone learning onsite for as long as it is safe to do so.

Please make sure your contact details we have on file are up to date. Email any changes of details to:

Preparing for COVID-19

You can also prepare for COVID-19, making sure you and your household have a plan and know what to do. This will mean your whānau and community can help each other if needed. COVID-19-Readiness-Checklist.pdf ( 

Self-isolating at home because of COVID-19

Many people will be able to manage self-isolation with help from friends and whānau, but there is help available if you need it – both with health support and access to food and other essentials. · Getting extra support if you have COVID-19 or are self-isolating | Unite against COVID-19 (

If you know anyone in your community affected by COVID-19 and who may need help, such as food and other financial assistance, Work and Income has a range of supports available for individuals, families, employers and self-employed people affected by COVID-19.

Work and Income support

The beginning of the year can be a tough time for parents who are faced with many costs and it is important you are aware of what assistance you may be able to get from Work and Income. These are available to people on a low income as well as those on a benefit.

Use the links above or call 0800 559 009 to find out more, or to apply.

Please contact the College if you have any concerns. Our tutor teachers are the best place to start with any questions or concerns. While this might all feel a little overwhelming at times, we know that all these measures will help our ākonga return to school, reconnect with friends and continue with their education.

All students /parents / caregivers and visitors should wear masks and sign in.

Nei a kupu whakamiha ka rere.

Nāku noa, nā,

Rowan Milburn
