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Diversity and Inclusiveness @ Hagley

May 29, 2017
By Mike Fowler

This year, Hagley has been leading  professional learning for teachers in the Christchurch Central City Learning Community Cluster, exploring how we can address diversity and inclusiveness in our work. 200 teachers from a range of schools are attending workshops on 13 April at Hagley, led by a strong group of presenters.

Diversity and inclusiveness are concepts that apply in many ways within education. That broad interpretation can be seen in the wide range of workshops offered.  To give  some sense of that breadth, our teachers are participating in workshops and keynotes on:

• The impact of stereotypes on  Māori learners
• Teaching multi-lingual learners
• Using inclusive language in schools
• Designing programmes to remove barriers to learning
• Supporting learning and well-being in flexible learning spaces
• Making culture count in classrooms
• Removing deficit explanations for student progress
• Inter-culturally competent teaching
• Knowing if students are actively engaged in learning
• What inclusion means from a student perspective
• Being culturally responsive
• How gender plays out in schools
• Transgender identity
• How character strengths can help students thrive
• How mindsets can promote engagement.

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