Hagley Sports Signup 2025
Please fill out this form if you are interested in joining any sports group.
Sport sign-ups for Volleyball are due by Wednesday the 5 th of February. Sign-ups for all other sports are
due by Monday 10 th of February. If you miss this deadline, please contact Abhijeet Sidhu or Israel Soper
on Microsoft Teams chat or via email; Abhijeet.Sidhu@staff.hagley.school.nz or Israel.Soper@staff.hagley.school.nz
Please refer to the ‘sport playing dates for 2025’ for when summer sport begins and concludes.
Regardless of ability or the level of competition, our aim is to get as many students involved as possible.
When making the decision to commit to a sport or team, you are agreeing to attend all the practices and
games for the season. If you’re thinking of registering for a sport this season, please consider the time fac-
tor and obligation required. You will need to discuss this with your whānau before committing.
Once we have received all the sign-ups and have created teams, we will contact students through our
school network (Microsoft Teams) to inform them of training and game times. It is important to regularly
check this chat to stay up to date with important sport information.
Please note that sometimes we don’t get enough sign-ups for a particular sport, which means it can’t go
ahead. We will inform students through Microsoft Teams if this happens.
Lastly, all students are required to wear a Te Puna Wai o Waipapa Sport T-Shirt at a cost of $10 each. If you
do not already own one and therefore require one, or want to purchase an extra one, please indicate on the
sign-up form along with your size.
If you or your parent/ guardian have any questions regarding a certain sport, please feel free to contact the
Sport Department, preferably by email or call 364 5151.
Please click here to read the Sport Fee for 2025
Please click here to read the sport fees for 2025
Please click here to read the sport playing dates for 2025
Please click here to read the sport days and times for 2025
Head of Sport: Abhijeet.Sidhu@staff.hagley.school.nz
Sports Coordinator: Israel.Soper@staff.hagley.school.nz