This course introduces some basic concepts of Accounting, Economics and Business Studies. Case studies and visits to local businesses provide students with real-life examples of how local and international businesses have developed, and the decision-making needed to overcome common business problems.
The Child Minder: Have fun gaining knowledge, skills and experience to understand the basic care of young children.
This subject looks at the world we live in, how its affects us and how we affect the world we inhabit.
Learn the art of the historian through a close study of texts. Consider diff erent perspectives on an event from New Zealand history. Complete research into a chosen topic. Explore the world of Ancient Greek mythology and the first Olympics. History is all about great stories and peoples’ experiences in fascinating and bizarre situations.
SEM 1 - Business for beginners: get started on your pathway to business success and gain real world entrepreneurial experience. SEM 2 - Students develop an understanding of issues affecting a business and ap ply this through case studies and real life examples.
Sem 1 EXTERNAL CREDITS / 0. INTERNAL CREDITS / 9 - INTERNAL CREDITS AS90848 - Carry out, review and refine a business activity within a community context with guidance Sem 2 EXTERNAL CREDITS / 4 - AS90845 - Apply business knowledge to acritical problem(s) INTERNAL CREDITS / 3 - AS 90847 - Investigate the application of motivation theory in a business 3 more internal credits are available, if needed
The theme of this course is A Child’s World and its Influences. This course is designed for students who want to learn about children and the issues facing families today. Gain knowledge, skills and attitudes to prepare for further study in early childhood and other related fields.
Sem 1 - ‘Rome emerged as the most powerful city-state of its time and grew to rule much of the known world. Learn what started it all, and the strange stories the Romans believed about themselves. Then explore the many great women of Roman history and how they made their mark in an oppressively sexist society. Finally, consider the downfall of the Republic and one of its most potent moments, the meeting in Alexandria of Caesar and Cleopatra of Egypt. Sem 2 - ‘Sappho LGBTQ+ Icon of Archaic Greece: her life, poetry and reception through the ages’ The world’s first female writer, the original Lesbian Sappho - her beautiful love poetry, and the strange long history of how later cultures have tried to tame and sanitise her memory through art and writing.
Sem 1 - External Credits 6, Internal Credits 9 Sem 2 - External Credits 4, Internal Credits 10
Financial Life Skills explores the themes of managing money and income, setting financial goals, and managing financial risk , at Level 7 of the Financial Capabilities Framework.
This course is split into two semesters: students can take just one course or both.
Semester 1 - NZ environment Semester 2 - Current global issues and crime
Sem 1 - 8 Interna Credits, 4 External Sem 2 - 6 Interna Credits, 4 External This course is split into two semesters: students cantake just one course or both.
Semester 1 -At Level 2 we focus on developing the skills you learnt at Level 1 Hisory. Historical events covered will focus on events where people have experienced major challenges. Student choice is a feature of the course as you reaserch and learn to examine the past as a historian. Semester 2 - A focus of this course is students choice of topic for ongoing research
This course is split into two semesters: students can take just one course or both.
The theme is ‘Law from Living Room to Courtroom’. The course is designed to introduce students to the New Zealand legal system and to explore some of the aspects of the law that will affect you throughout your life.
Semester 1 - ‘Te Wai Pounamu: Early South Island History’ Semester 2 - ‘The New Zealand Wars’
This course is split into two semesters: students can take just one course or both. Sem 1 - 5 External Credits, 10 Internal Credits Sem 2 - 5 External Credits, 9 Internal Credits
Are you a budding Greta Thunberg in the making? Do you want to engage in social action and use media to awaken society to the issues it faces? Through this Social Action Media course, you gain the knowledge and skills to conceive, plan, design and make media products that engage audiences in the local and global issues of our times. The course is a one semester course designed to progressively prepare students to become skilled in a form of social action media production, chosen by the student. Above else, you would ideally be openminded, committed and interested.
Learn about the New Zealand tourism industry in a domestic and international context.
Build the young entrepreneur in you! This course gives you a broad understanding and practical experience of running your own business.
The Individual Child: In the course you develop an appreciation and respect for young children and learn to recognise that each child is unique.
Develop your understanding of the social and conflict history of the Ptolemaic Egyptian world through the career of Cleopatra VII and the writings of key ancient historians.
This subject studies some of the major natural and cultural processes that are affecting the world we live in.
History presents you with the dilemmas, choices and beliefs of people in the past. This course focusses on the causes and consequences of world events, where people have experienced threats to their way of life. You will learn to ask and answer important questions, evaluate evidence, identify and analyse different interpretations of the past, and substantiate arguments and judgements. Student choice is a feature of this course as you research and learn to examine the past as a historian. Opportunity for blended learning.
The theme of this course is ‘Making a Difference’. The course combines the disciplines of law and social studies to examine how the law makes a difference to people’s lives and how they can make a difference to the law.
Investigate the global tourism industry, considering knowledge and skills required to meet travellers’ needs in New Zealand and abroad. The course provides a good foundation for a tertiary programme.
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